A basic premise of this framework is this:
Everyone can observe the constant and continuous activity in the universe. To make sense of these motions, there needs to be certain titles to represent and describe them. And the display of these titles, in turn, must come from an attribute of a being who must exist to possess these titles as essential qualities.
For instance, there is an undeniable reality that each and every creature is given the provision and bestowed with the sustenance they depend on to continue their lives. Each creature clearly receives their provision and sustenance at the right measure, the right time and the right place. This is an evident activity that is universal and majestic.
This activity can best be identified and represented by the title of ‘Giving of sustenance‘.
Such a title, in turn, requires the existence of a being who must possess this attribute as Sustainer (Razzaq); a Being who is exhibiting this activity to the gaze and appreciation of conscious beings like us.
And so, just like this, the thousands of endless attributes of a Single All-Glorious Essence are reflected at an infinite degree in this universe. These attributes manifest themselves in a constant state of flux, across the flow of time.
Through conscious enquiry and the guidance of these clear truths and evident reflections, students of iman and Quran studying the Risale-i Nur, gain a conviction (yaqin) and consciousness in both heart (qalb) and mind (aql) from the signs (ayat) across the book of the universe that Allah constantly renews.
By medidating on such lessons of the Quran's light (nur), learners will consciously and actively appreciate
– the signs and meanings scattered across the universe in tandem with the signs (ayah) of the Quran'
– that everything is an animated form of the timeless signs (ayah) of the Quran, the book of divine speech;
– and that, in the long lineage of prophets –who are the curators in this exhibition of the cosmos– the universal teachings and practices of the last prophet, Muhammad (asm), continue to illuminate and guide all of humanity and creation.
Such level of consciousness about the reality of The One and Single Being making Himself known for our appreciation and acknowledgement, and this connection to Him, simultaneously conjure up feelings of gratitude and love towards Him. This, in turn, is epitomised as the conscious worship of that Single All-Glorious Essence of that Being.
Today, due to the lack of this consciousness and nur which iman provides, the layers of darkness looming over our world that blind us to these evident realities have multiplied (ie. the nihilistic philosophies and lifestyles, and their effects, which have become clear in the rising rates of anxiety, depression, despondency).
Each risale illuminates these levels of darkness with the nur of the Quran and instils in the heart and mind the joy gained by the truths of iman in a brilliant, practical and effective way.